Having been held captive on Captain James’ ship for weeks, his crew are currently plundering a Spanish Galleon of its treasure. You and your fellow captives have a window of opportunity to free yourselves from the brig, steal some of James’s treasure and escape the ship! But hurry, the pirates are too much for the Spanish forces and the battle will soon be over!
Really good gameplay, a couple of very minor mechanical things that didn’t work perfectly but didn’t hinder us too much. We were halfway through the final puzzle when time ran out!
Make no mistake, this is a hard room but it looks fantastic, has one of the best visual 'experiences' yet and may be the best Pirate room I've so far played. We failed as we were on the last puzzle after spending too much time on a logic puzzle earlier one having failed to spot the pattern. Best room at the venue.
Really good gameplay, a couple of very minor mechanical things that didn’t work perfectly but didn’t hinder us too much. We were halfway through the final puzzle when time ran out!