1658 – L’antre De La Sorcière Un Petit Village Des Pyrénées Orientales [1658 – The Witch's Lair A Small Village In The Eastern Pyrenees]
1658 – L’antre De La Sorcière Un Petit Village Des Pyrénées Orientales [1658 – The Witch's Lair A Small Village In The Eastern Pyrenees]

1658 – L’antre De La Sorcière Un Petit Village Des Pyrénées Orientales [1658 – The Witch's Lair A Small Village In The Eastern Pyrenees]

Real Escape Room Mérignac

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They had started by making her cat disappear…Then they accused her of all the evils that had happened to the village lately…She, the foreigner who had arrived with her plants, her vials and her stones, her beliefs and her dances in the Moonlight… Some time after his installation in the forest, the villagers, curious, visited him… They then benefited from his knowledge of nature and their femininity. She healed them with her hands, her ointments and her rituals. From the moment when the milk of the cows dried up, when the ewes gave birth to stillborn lambs, the men of the village accused him, shouting at witchcraft, at the actions of the devil, they imprisoned him and decided to punish with fire… On the night of Valpurgis, the eve of Beltane, she cried in vain on the way to the stake that she had the formula to restore fertility to animals, as she had restored it to certain villagers… A group of inhabitants then decided to recover the formula and save his life...

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