Zaginiony Oficer [Missing Officer]
Zaginiony Oficer [Missing Officer]

Zaginiony Oficer [Missing Officer]

    • Mostly positive (2 ratings)

The Bunkier

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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The Second World War A German shelter somewhere on the front line. It is here, amid the noise of the war, the roar of explosions and the sounds of machine gun shots, where terrifying songs can be heard at night. Nobody pays attention to the constant power cuts, the depressive atmosphere among the crew and luminous spheres appearing somewhere on the edge of vision. However, people are starting to get scared and many of them ask to be transferred elsewhere. Finally, one of the officers disappears, along with two entrepreneurs known for their eccentricity. A group of investigators is called in to investigate a mysterious disappearance, but find nothing. That is why you were called. Will you find the missing? Can you explain the mystery of the strange phenomena occurring in this place? All you know is that the wanted was last seen entering the officer's office. Then they were lost ...

  • 2-5
  • 90 mins


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