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Esti unul dintre cei mai buni artificieri din firma de minerit la care lucrezi si ai fost transferat la o galerie din sudul Asiei. Lucrurile nu merg deloc bine, leafa e mica, multe ore de munca, iar sederea ta aici se prelungeste nesperat de mult. Trec cativa ani pana reusesti sa strangi bani necesari pentru un bilet spre casa si astfel sa-ti „castigi” libertatea. Acea sansa e chiar AZI!!! Insa, ca acest lucru sa se intample, esti nevoit sa termini munca in mina in maximum o ora, altfel va trebui sa mai astepti cel putin cateva luni bune pentru o noua sansa.
31 escape rooms
A room where we had to escape from a mine to get back home. Very inventive, with a fitting atmosphere for the chosen theme. Physical work was required to escape from this room, which I found suitable for such a setting.
30 escape rooms
The room centered around escaping from a mine to return home—an inventive theme with a fitting atmosphere. It involved physical effort, which felt appropriate and added to the authenticity of the setting.
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