Vault 805Vault 805Vault 805
Vault 805Vault 805Vault 805

Vault 805

    • Very positive (105 ratings)

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Over 100 years have passed since the Great Calamity, where humanity was forced to live in underground vaults in order to survive. Life as a citizen in Vault 805 is all you’ve ever known. You live a simple, safe, and content life thanks to the Securitech Corporation and their advanced AI security. The MALISS 9000 citizen monitoring system keeps everyone safe and secure inside the vault at all times. However, today is reclamation day! Where a few select chosen citizens will leave the vault and return to the Earth’s surface to test for life’s survivability. Before leaving the vault, you must first survive a few simple aptitude tests then present your results to the overseer.

  • 2-6
  • 75 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (105)

Very positive


Very positive


Very positive

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Very positive


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