Time TravelTime Travel
Time TravelTime Travel

Time Travel

    • Mixed (1 ratings)

Virtual Room

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Permanently Closed - These are dangerous times. The Alpha team, responsible for time exploration, has disappeared. A temporal rift has been detected in the past, which may cause humanity’s disappearance from the Earth – forever. Your mission… Choose your Omega team (two to four people) from your most loyal companions and set off through the corridors of time to find the Alpha team and repair the damage caused by the temporal rift – and save the future of the world! Be careful, you have a limited amount of time! You are humanity’s last hope! Good luck Omega team! Whilst most current virtual reality (VR) experiences only allow one person to play for 2 to 10 minutes, today Virtual Reality Los Angeles offers a unique possibility: an immersive virtual reality experience for several people working together as a team, for up to forty-five minutes! Experience a truly exhilarating and mind-blowing adventure with your friends, family or colleagues as you communicate and work together in a totally realistic virtual world.

  • 2-10
  • 45 mins
  • Medium


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