46 Below46 Below46 Below
46 Below46 Below46 Below

46 Below

    • Mostly positive (18 ratings)


  • Escape room
  • IRL

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A voice sounds over the tannoy system “We are experiencing some extreme turbulence. Please remain calm and stay seated". This doesn’t feel like any normal turbulence and you cannot suppress the rising panic you feel deep within the pit of your stomach. You glance toward the lady beside you and she seems to have turned grey. Her eyes stare straight ahead, unblinking in fear. A sharp pull nearly knocks you out of your seat. Another harsh bump lurches you into the window. Suddenly, the oxygen masks drop from above you… which triggers an unnerving panic throughout the plane. All of a sudden, there is a forceful push and the plane begins to swiftly descend. Staring out of the window at the wing which is now in flames and billowing smoke. You cannot believe what you are seeing. The plane is shaking mercilessly now and a sinking realisation sets in... this could be the end. Screams plead out around you! You are rocketing towards the ground. You desperately fumble with the oxygen mask before a complete blackout!! When you awake, your limbs are almost frozen numb. Your eyelids flitter and the pain hits you all at once. You slowly move to sit up and look around you. The plane is but a crumpled wreck in the snow and bodies surround you... no signs of life anywhere. The blizzard is thick and the cold is bitter to the bone. Survival is the only thing on your mind. You must figure out a way to establish communication and signal for help, but first you must find out where exactly you have landed... Hurry, before hypothermia sets in and your very life escapes you!

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (18)

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