

    • Mostly positive (2 ratings)


  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Locked in the basement, you are the Serial Killers next meal As the haze of chloroform dissipates, you and your three friends slowly regain consciousness, disoriented and groggy panic surges through you as you realize the gravity of the situation – you’ve been abducted by a cannibalistic serial killer. With a sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach, you exchange horrified glances with your friends, who are also coming to grips with the nightmare unfolding before you. Before you can react he ushers you into his grim basement lair, where he intends to make you his next meal. Fear grips your heart as he locks you in a cell, the echoes of your friends’ panicked whispers amplifying the terror of your situation. But despite the odds stacked against you, a fierce determination ignites within you – you refuse to become prey in this twisted game. With every ounce of strength and cunning you possess, you vow to find a way to escape the clutches of this deranged predator and reclaim your freedom, no matter the cost.

  • 4
  • 80 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (2)

Mostly positive


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