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Your group decides to sneak into Centre 101- An abandoned psych ward that was shut down years ago because of malpractice. While venturing through the dark halls, your group gets locked into The Testing Ward. You quickly realize you’re not alone. It’s still occupied by one of the original patients who’s taken it upon himself to get revenge on anyone who dares to enter the abandoned facility. You’ll need to play his game, or else. The Testing Ward is a point based adventure, with loads of game content to occupy your 60 minute experience, making it totally repayable to beat your previous score! Your group will always experience the whole game, but the number of points you attain depends on how many challenges you successfully complete within the time limit. The game will adapt to how quickly or slowly you attain your points. If you don't get points as quickly, the story will progress allowing you to discover new areas and new challenges- so you're never bored or standing around.
All ratings (46)
Mostly positive
Very positive
Customer service
Very positive
69 escape rooms
The Testing Ward - you need to have a lot of patience with a least 4 of the puzzles in the experience. What I mean is if you screw up a puzzle, you would have to start the puzzle you are working on from the beginning (ouch!) that can cost up time! Sequencing is important too! Some other puzzles are repetitive and take way from the fun...we managed to escape with a few mins to spare...
Fun level was up and down...mostly up
Mostly good
GM and staff were great
Different for sure
High tech
Had 4 escapers
Not scary
Crawling/bending down
198 escape rooms
Weakest of the RSG rooms but still overall fun. There are a few puzzles in there that overstay their welcome which can get really frustrating and kind of made the pace of the game feel sluggish. Otherwise the rest of the puzzles and the setting were phenomenal as with the rest of the RSG rooms
One or two of the puzzles were just not fun and then some puzzles you had to do it 6 times in increasing difficulty. Really made the room feel sluggish. There were some lovely puzzles in there also, but the bad ones just sunk it in my view
Top notch.
Great GMs super friendly and attentive
Some cool puzzles I hadn’t seen before
Puzzles all felt fair, but the one or two you know what to do, we just didn’t want to/didn’t feel fun. Which is rare for me in an escape experience
High tech
Only one or two classical locks, the rest was all sensors and lasers, really great.
There is so much to do that I think going with the minimum (2) would result in too few people to do things in time
Not scary
Some movement and dexterity puzzles
28 escape rooms
Staff friendly but were not helpful when stuck. Truth is we got stuck on 1 sound based puzzle that kind of wrecked our experience
151 escape rooms
It was nice visiting Ready Set Go at their new location! Once again everything was very clean from the check in to the end of the experience. It had spooky elements, but it wasn't over the top paralyzing in terms of being scared. Certain tasks were particularly difficult (to us!), but my group and I still had a fun time overall. We look forward to visiting again to see their other rooms!
Neat experience in terms of the task being non-traditional in the "escape" sense
High tech
Some puzzles/tasks took a bit of extra effort, like we didn't always hear when something opened, but it wasn't enough to ruin the game.
163 escape rooms
I am not a big fan of point based escape rooms, and The Testing Ward is no exception. The benefit, however, is that you have a clearer idea of how much gameplay you have left at any given time, and can adjust your pacing accordingly. My major gripe with this room is that it had multiple levels of the same puzzle. So if you don’t like a particular puzzle, too bad so sad for you because you’re going to have to do the puzzle 6 times in order to get your point. One of the rare moments in an escape room where I just wanted the experience to end.
High tech
Not scary
752 escape rooms
After getting 10 points in the other two rooms, I was super excited for this challenge, but it ended up being a huge disappointment. There are too many time-suck dexterity puzzles. We left SUPER frustrated and disappointed. I wouldn't play this room as a group of two or if you prefer brain puzzles over brawn.
42 escape rooms
Fun room with lots of teamwork based puzzles that made you rely on eachother. Some puzzles ranged from easy to quite difficult which our group loves because we’ve done so many escape rooms that we love a good challenge.
52 escape rooms
I enjoyed this room! It had a few unique and creative puzzles that I haven’t seen elsewhere. Some of them were challenging and a bit frustrating but I liked that this room actually stumped me a time or two considering I’ve done a lot of escape rooms!
104 escape rooms
𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 �𓅝𓃄 �𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿 𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 𓂨𓅝𓃄 𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿
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