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Permanently Closed - Take on the role of grandfather Hector Van Goethem at House number 20. Your room door is locked for your own good, but you don't just resign yourself to that! You want to escape at all costs, to find your missing wife Lucy. All that old stuff in your room mysteriously helps you with this, and you relive bygone times. This farewell letter is the last that will be found of you... My dear wife Lucy, It seems like an eternity since you left to visit your sister who lives in Mallorca. I wanted to come with you, but you know how bad my fear of flying is. You would stay one, maximum two weeks. I don't know exactly, my memory is starting to fail me more and more, but haven't you been gone much longer than that? I've tried to come after you. I didn't get very far, our Davina and Tom got me back. Now they lock the door to my room for fear that I might start walking again. I'd lose my way, and I'm confused, they say. They take good care of me, but they don't understand. I have to go to you. See you soon, Hector