Las Prófecias De El Bosco [The Prophecies Of El Bosco]
Las Prófecias De El Bosco [The Prophecies Of El Bosco]

Las Prófecias De El Bosco [The Prophecies Of El Bosco]

    • Mixed (2 ratings)

Totem Escape Rooms

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Permanently Closed - Bosch is one of the most unique and mysterious painters in history. His works, full of apparently extravagant and absurd symbolism, hide prophecies that tell us of a violent and cruel destiny. But there are also those that show the way to avoid such a terrible destiny. Enter and immerse yourself in his dream world to discover, one by one, the nature of his prophecies... but above all, how to avoid the terrible destiny that they predict for us.

  • 2-7
  • 60 mins
  • Medium


All ratings (2)
