Портал [Portal]
Портал [Portal]

Портал [Portal]

    • Mixed (4 ratings)

  • Escape room
  • Virtual

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You find yourself in a secret laboratory that studies teleportation and realize that our world is in danger with only one hour to complete the tasks set for you. Save the planet and close the portal to another dimension. Now we offer team quests with exciting plots online! You’ll find fun intellectual adventures that last up to two hours. Pick and reserve a game at a convenient time for you and your friends. All you need for the game online is: headphones microphone Zoom or Discord, so you can join on the fun and be a part of the call. Assemble a team between two to eight players. Make a reservation for your game in advance. Install Discord and create a profile so you can be a part of the conversation via your phone or computer. 10 to 15 minutes before the game starts you will receive a mail with the link for your game. For you to be able to fully emerge in the quest we recommend turning off the lights. Enjoy your adventure! Questomania online escape room is a new form of entertainment for you and your friends in which you don’t have to leave your home!

  • 2-8
  • 60 mins


All ratings (4)



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