Pokój Agenta Snow [Agent Snow's Room]
Pokój Agenta Snow [Agent Snow's Room]

Pokój Agenta Snow [Agent Snow's Room]

    • Mixed (1 ratings)


  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Agent Snow has worked for the Secret Service for many years. Once he was delegated to Paris to help the local authorities track down a network of dangerous terrorists. They called themselves 'The Wind of Renewal' and proclaimed that Paris should be razed to the ground because it was full of corruption, and a new and perfect city should be built in its place. Agent Snow has been assigned a local agent Laura to help. Initially, they differed greatly in the methods they used, but over time, they discovered that more and more they had in common, and little feelings began to emerge between them. Together they managed to infiltrate the terrorist network, but have been under constant surveillance by their leaders ever since. They learned about the terrorists' plans, which allowed them to intercept an important cargo and hide it in Agent Snow's office. Suspicions of terrorists fell on Laura, who was exposed. Agent Snow hurried to save her, but a dangerous cargo remains in his office. Fortunately, Agent Snow has hidden numerous clues in his office that will help you find him and save the world from destruction! Good luck!

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins
  • Medium


All ratings (1)
