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Bei Bauarbeiten wurde ein zugemauerter Teil einer alten Wohnung entdeckt. Funde vergilbter Zeitungen berichten vom tragischen Tod eines Mädchens, das bei einer Dämonenaustreibung in ebendieser Wohnung starb. Ihr begebt euch auf die Spuren des Exorzisten, dem es damals nicht gelang, die Dämonen zu bändigen. Findet die hinterlassenen Anweisungen und Werkzeuge seines Rituals. Löst Rätsel und entdeckt Geheimnisse, um die Seele des Mädchens zu erlösen. Aber Achtung: Die Dämonen werden alles tun, um euch aufzuhalten!
66 escape rooms
Nicely made room! The riddles were quite easy, but I was glad that you don't have any number locks or anything like that in any of the riddles. The set design was alright and you did get the feeling that the creators of the game put their love into this room. Sadly the ending came really abrupt and the story in itself was quite confusing to begin with. Even though it took us way too long to find one little thing for a riddle (we were just really blind), we still made it out in 34min, which wasn't that great for us, because that was way too fast. But! It's a great room for beginners and we still had fun! Also our gamemaster Julia was really friendly and got the perfect voice down when it comes to telling the story. I'm excited for their new room to be coming soon.
115 escape rooms
If you don't like number locks of any kind in escape rooms, this is the place for you. Small fine room with great puzzles, even if the end came very abruptly.
60 escape rooms
This was a very fun room for me! The puzzles were very nice and sometimes required some brain power but nothing to serious so it was still very manageable. The atmosphere was good and there were some surprises scattered throughout the room with some spooks here and there too. Can definitely recommend!
98 escape rooms
Der Raum war passend zum Thema eingerichtet und hatte einige Überraschungen zu bieten! Das Ende kam etwas abrupt, weshalb wir eher verwirrt waren, dass es das schon war. Die meisten Rätsel waren toll und kreativ gemacht und haben gut zum Raum gepasst
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