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Dive into Gulliver's stories and enjoy a dream trip to other worlds ... Lemuel Gulliver described the incredible stories of other worlds, who lived during voyages on the seas and oceans around the world. It was fiction, dream or reality? Find the answers in Runaway. Try to help Gulliver's stories confirm. Journey to Lilliput and Brobdingnag way into many dangers and promote an unusual experiences. But few people believed Gulliver, He met people only a few centimeters high, or that are contrary to Brobdingnag found himself on an island inhabited by giants. Explore Gulliverův room. Find travel logs, make up his story and bring an evidence, All that Gulliver across invent. You have exactly 60 minutes. Can you help him?
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25 escape rooms
Byli jsme s dětmi 7 a 9 let. Celkem hezká hra.
Not scary
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“... pretty room and a fantastic idea for a game, but it just didn’t deliver on the puzzle front.“