Cross Country Treasure Hunt [Outdoor]
Cross Country Treasure Hunt [Outdoor]

Cross Country Treasure Hunt [Outdoor]

Stratton Escape Room

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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This set of clues will take you far and wide, way beyond the scope of the Stratton Escape Room and into the greater landscape. We have a variety of games and levels, all appropriate to families but with varying levels of difficulty. You will be given the first clue upon registration and the rest is up to you. We have hidden clues within a 25 mile radius of our home base and you can find them in a linear order. We have several levels of CROSS COUNTRY TREASURE HUNT GAMES, organized by physical intensity; level one being the easiest and level three the most demanding. Level one games are mentally challenging but easily accessible by car or over relatively flat walking surfaces. Level two games have clues in more distant locations requiring some hiking, biking, or even boating to access. The level three games are the most challenging both physically and mentally, often requiring multi-day excursions across land and water. Play all at your own risk.

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