Bayville AsylumBayville AsylumBayville Asylum
Bayville AsylumBayville AsylumBayville Asylum

Bayville Asylum

Bayville Scream Park

  • Haunt
  • Haunted house

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Opening September 20 - One day, while working at The Hospital of St. Benedict in Bayville, New York, Dr. Barrington Bay was attempting to perform a tricky procedure on his pregnant wife. She died. Bay became… extremely volatile and hostile after that. Neglecting the staff and patients of the hospital and instead secluding himself in his own laboratory. Doped up on morphine and any other sedatives he could get his hands on, Bay was obsessed with reversing the process of dying and tested his gruesome and unorthodox theories and experiments on the unwilling and unsuspecting patients. And even the staff. Many perished. Horrendously. The hospital was shut down, but Dr. Bay and the staff somehow disappeared before the authorities arrived. To this day, there has been no trace of them. But some say they see the lights on the hospital come on in the middle of the night. And that shrill, death-defining screaming can be heard coming from the hospital windows and walls. But still no trace remains…

  • 15 mins