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The famous Hungarian American magician, Houdini, performed many tricks during his lifetime; some were even death defying. Houdini was adept at all tricks ranging from simple card tricks to the most daring escape from an unbelievable scenario. There is one trick in particular that you have always wanted to outperform: the "Houdini Upside Down" - the trick involving Houdini trapped upside down, handcuffed at the feet, submerged in water. Death was just minutes away. While you may want to outperform Houdini's most outlandish trick, you must start with the basics - playing cards. Prove you can fool even the most skilled magician, and only then, will you be able to move on to the biggest challenge yet: locks and handcuffs. Are you able to outplay the master himself in his own proving grounds? You will have 50 minutes to complete your act. First, perform a series of tricks with multiple sets of playing cards. Once you have mastered the art of cards, it will be time to perform your ultimate act and escape from multiple types of locks and handcuffs.
14 escape rooms
It was a medium experience there were a lot of locks and little clues this is not an immersive escape room but it does have many puzzles.
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