מפוקסלים - שוד הקריפטו [Dead Pixels - The Crypto Heist]
מפוקסלים - שוד הקריפטו [Dead Pixels - The Crypto Heist]

מפוקסלים - שוד הקריפטו [Dead Pixels - The Crypto Heist]

    • Positive (3 ratings)

Escape Room Israel

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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The biggest hit of your life awaits you - you're going to rob Nylon Task! Yes, that man with autonomous cars, spaceships, AI and revolutionary toaster technology that also has an off button. (which made him the richest man in the world) This person does not believe in banks, and keeps all his capital in crypto-currencies inside his personal supercomputer. The computer cannot be hacked and is under guard 24/7. Many tried and failed, but none of them tried to rob this computer... from the inside! Using innovative miniaturization technology, we're going to shrink you down so that you're miniaturized enough to hack into the supercomputer from the inside and find Task's crypto repository. We suspect that the repository is protected by a deadly AI, but you will deal with that according to the situation. One last important thing: Minimization technology is still experimental, so we estimate that you have about one hour before the minimization effects wear off and you're back to normal size.

  • 3-8
  • 60 mins
  • Variable


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