Field of ScreamsField of Screams
Field of Screams

Field of Screams

Slaughterhouse Adventure

  • Haunt
  • Maze

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Temporarily Closed - Is the Field of Screams all in your mind....Or is it real ? We built it and they did come ! Who knew that they would want blood and mayhem. What’s truly around the next corner? Manic clowns, freaks armed with a chainsaw, paths that lead to nowhere, a serial killer, perhaps a tunnel is in your future. As the manic Clowns subside you run across other psycho paths that lead you to a padded cell only to be hoisted into the air. Perhaps it’s just an illusion or maybe you are going crazy. Rumor has it that the psychos in our field believe that it was built for them and you’re trespassing ! Last but not least you’re face-to-face with The vengeful Keeper of The Corn. Perhaps you will survive perhaps not........ your fate is in our hands!​ ( please check to make sure this event is not canceled due to rain)