Sur Les Traces De L’étrange [In The Footsteps Of The Strange] [Outdoor]
Sur Les Traces De L’étrange [In The Footsteps Of The Strange] [Outdoor]

Sur Les Traces De L’étrange [In The Footsteps Of The Strange] [Outdoor]


  • Escape room
  • IRL

Mark as done to rate

You are bloggers at the head of the Blogue de l'Étrange, a site for investigations and research into mysteries and supernatural phenomena. For several weeks, dozens of Internet users have written to you to tell you about strange events occurring in Quebec City. More specifically, pets seem to react in particular and unusual ways in different places. We are asking for your help to unravel the mystery that is growing in the city. As you are recognized for your ethics of investigation and your ability to involve your community in your research, you decide to visit these places to find out more. What will you discover? And what will these events visible only to animals reveal?

  • 105 mins
  • Medium