The Darkness File
The Darkness File

The Darkness File

Streaper’s Entertainment

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Since the beginning of the UFO movement in the late 1940s, beliefs about what the aliens are like and the purpose of their visits to Earth have changed numerous times. The first claims of extended contact with alien beings in the early 1950s were covered up in a discovery now known as "The Darkness File". A seemingly human entity going by the name of William Sprowl claimed that their nature was that of an extraterrestrial existence and in a hushed operation the CIA began working with Mr. Sprowl in hopes that they could prove alien existence once and for all. Mr. Sprowl, known as Subject 45, would come to unlock the secrets of the universe with a close-knit team of scientists. At 3:41am on January 3rd of 1952 the research facility housing Subject 45 suffered a viral outbreak and all those working on "The Darkness File" perished. The facility sat unbothered for over 50 years and you have just stumbled up on the unlocked door to the facility. Can you find "The Darkness File" and make your escape? Is Subject 45 still in the facility? Is the virus that contributed to the demise of the team still lurking in the facility? Find out if you have what it takes to retrieve "The Darkness File" and uncover the truth behind one of history most infamous cover-ups.

  • 2-8
  • 60 mins