Escape Atlantis
Escape Atlantis

Escape Atlantis

Escape The Crate

  • Escape room
  • Tabletop

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In this MASSIVE, 3 chapter game, you are tasked with finding the legendary “Lost City of Atlantis!” You have uncovered maps and research that claim to show the route to the sunken city, but they also hold a secret. Apparently, in the very center of the city, there is a strange power source that allows you to raise the city up out of the depths. Once you manage to do that, you will have free reign to explore Atlantis and uncover its many treasures! This won’t be an easy journey, however. Your arch-enemy, Mr. X, is headed there and someone in your crew seems very intent on sabotaging the mission. Even worse, there are tales of a giant squid that stalks the ocean around the city and, if the multitude of sunken ships are any indication, this beast is a formidable foe. Even if you manage to defeat this monster, find the city, and raise it to the surface…remember that Atlantis was swallowed by the sea once before. You had better hope that you won’t vanish back into the depths with it!