Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]
Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]Night Fever [Immersive Art]

Night Fever [Immersive Art]

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Permanently Closed - Night Fever redefined & reimagined nightlife in Los Angeles with a fully-immersive disco dance experience: a themed night-out taken to its glorious extreme. JFI invited guests to come outfitted in the fashions of the 70s, escape for a night, and live out their wildest fantasies on the dance floor of a Studio 54-style nightclub in 1977 New York City. A colorful cast of 25 actors & dancers took guests on a journey through an unforgettable evening of outrageous moments, surprising stories & secrets, and grand dance sequences. Guests could explore the world, get lost in the story, cozy up at the bar, or dance the night away! With something for everyone, Night Fever enchanted, delighted, and celebrated guests of all types, ages, races, and sexual orientations through a spectacular night of club theatre.


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