Enchanted Relic: Wizard's EnigmaEnchanted Relic: Wizard's Enigma
Enchanted Relic: Wizard's EnigmaEnchanted Relic: Wizard's Enigma

Enchanted Relic: Wizard's Enigma

    • Very positive (7 ratings)

Paradox Parlours Escape Rooms -Woking

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Embark on a spellbinding adventure in Paradox Parlour's brand new game, Enchanted Relic: Wizard's Enigma. Trapped between worlds, Maxwell Mysterium needs your help to find the elusive Elixir and return him to his rightful realm. Gather your team, sharpen your wits, and prepare for a mesmerising journey into the unknown!

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins


All ratings (7)

Very positive