

Escape This - Perth CBD, Hay Street Mall

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Coming Soon - Lost in the topsy-turvy fantasy realm of Wonderland, you stumble upon a picturesque cottage, dimly lit with smoke puffing from the chimney. Knocking at the door warrants no response, so into the curiously appointed cottage you go. Suddenly the door slams shut behind you! “Guests, at tea time? How rude!” cry the Mad Hatter and March Hare. When you explain that you are simply seeking directions, the Mad Hatter tips his top hat to you. “Everything has a price,” he says. You know this can’t bode well. As your eyes adjust to the soft candlelight, you scan the room for an escape... everywhere, stacks of hats, more cuckoo clocks than you can count, and bone china teacups in various shades of pastel. Can you solve the Hatter's riddles to secure your escape from Wonderland?

  • 4-8
  • 60 mins
  • Hard