

Get Out Escape Room - Grenade

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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The Santa Marta, a Spanish ship 55 meters long and with artillery power of 10 guns per side, left the port of Seville on June 14, 1654, bound for New Spain and surprisingly without any escort. From Veracruz, and with its secret cargo in the warehouses, it would set sail for Spain on August 23 of the same year...It would never again display the banner of Philip IV. After passing the sea of ​​Cozumel, Barjel (a pirate called the feared one for his bravery, throughout the known sea... Well that's another story) boarded her and left only the boatswain González de Campos alive, who would eventually tell the story. history. But he did not sink the ship as was his custom. His precious and secret cargo fascinated him so much that he raised the pirate flag and called it what it would be known to this day… The Black Mist. That name would be feared by all good and bad people for centuries, in all known seas and oceans. Barjel did not know that what was found in his cellars would condemn him and his crew forever. They would wander like ghosts of what they were for all eternity, although from time to time, some unwary people would come aboard to try to recover what no one knows. Your mission, be part of the itinerant crew of the Niebla Negra, search among its rooms and recover what no one knows, condemning the damned to the oblivion of hell and thus being able to once again display the banner of Santa Marta. You will only have 60 minutes before Barjel and his “people” realize that you are not who you say you are. After that time you will become part of the damned... forever. Although not everyone in the Black Mist is a despicable being, search well and you will find help.

  • 2-7
  • 60 mins
  • Medium