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Bonjour, Je suis l’agent spécial Carter du FBI. Le professeur Stone, éminent expert en archéologie a disparu depuis plusieurs semaines alors qu’il avait été mandaté par le Bureau pour trouver la pierre philosophale. Nous l’avons géolocalisé pour la dernière fois au cœur des îles du Pacifique. Sans nouvelle de sa part, nous avons fait appel à vous, équipe d’aventuriers de renom pour retrouver le professeur et le trésor. Nous vous envoyons aux dernières coordonnées dont nous disposons dans un convoi secret pour éviter tout incident diplomatique. Bonne chance SKPADeurs !
407 escape rooms
I'd say in 300 rooms this has been unique. It combines escape rooms with something Fontainbleu is famous for - climbing. The introduction is a small traverse along the wall in reception, but in the room itself the bouldering, while not difficult, is above head height. If you have any issues with heights give it a miss. The host is very enthusiastic and is more than ready to jump in and help out, which was useful for us. The stages in it nothing i suspect you'll ever have seen before. The opening section throws you right into a totally different way of thinking - so was a slow start for us. Afte that some smart looking set pieces, and a zipping finish. Decor was done by some of the guys that work at Disney so you know it looks good. My advice? Give it a try unless you have an issue with heights or mobility, or if you don't like waterfalls.
Harder simply as the room turned into 3D as you had to cover height.
Not scary
Not at all
Plenty of space right outside
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