Mothman Report 1
Mothman Report 1

Mothman Report 1

Escape The Crate

  • Escape room
  • Virtual

Mark as done to rate

St_ange lights wer_ reported in the sky aroun_ the Ohio river last evening. Several trave_ing salesmen reported see_ng glowin_ objects blocking the road and one man even reluctantly admitted to speaking to a strange “man in black” near one of t_e objects. The witness, who declined _o give hi_ name, claims that the strange man ap_roached his vehicle and asked him a series of questions about the _andscape and the neighboring towns. The odd thing is that the man spoke to him, not thro_gh his mouth, but through hi_ mind. The stran_er vanished into the light and was not seen again. This _eport is similar to doz_ns that have com_ in over the last mo_th in W_st Virginia and Ohio. The _uestion is… what is it? An elaborate hoax? The _nsold script for a new science fiction picture? Or does this have a connection to the be_st which has been haunting the woods the _ast few months? Is thi_ connected to the Mothman? Our agents are scouring over the document…. looking for clues. The boss, however, already knows what we are being asking to find. He asks for a number. Enter that number in the link below to gain access to what he has discovered.