Save King's LandingSave King's Landing
Save King's LandingSave King's Landing

Save King's Landing

    • Mostly positive (1 ratings)

Puzzle Punks - Brasov

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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King’s Landing is under attack! The Iron Fleet under the command of Stannis Baratheon will soon approach the walls of the fortress, and then we will all be lost! They are too strong and we will not be able to defend the fortress! Tyrion, the King’s Hand, ordered the wizard to secretly brew a magical potion called Wildfire, a potion so powerful it melts and burns everything in its path, even water. With this secret potion we can destroy the enemy fleet! The wizard is gone, probably scared for his life, and no one knows where the potion is hidden! You must enter his alchemy laboratory and find this potion as quickly as possible. Hurry, the fate of the city is in your hands!

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (1)

Mostly positive