Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]
Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]Le Butin [The Booty]

Le Butin [The Booty]

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Just after your escape from ALCATRAZ prison, the mastermind of your gang of bank robbers gets in touch with you again. He gives you a meeting point! Be on time, it may be your only chance to get your share of the LOOT and be able to go sunbathe on long sandy beaches while drinking a cocktail with a small umbrella.

  • 4-6
  • 100 mins

Book experience
