Le Chant des Naufragés [The Song of the Shipwrecked]
Le Chant des Naufragés [The Song of the Shipwrecked]

Le Chant des Naufragés [The Song of the Shipwrecked]

    • Mostly positive (11 ratings)

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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On stormy evenings, sailors often tell the story of Isla Tortuga. This mythical island, animated by an ancient spirit, is said to hide fabulous treasures. But a tribe of mermaids has taken up residence around the island, causing hundreds of disappearances every year with their bewitching songs. Every old sea dog knows at least one poor soul who, lured by curiosity or greed, has succumbed to the “Call of the Stranded”. But Isla Tortuga is nothing more than a legend… or so you thought, until you discovered a mysterious vial, an ancient gold medallion, and a moldy old map in your attic. According to the map, it was your pirate ancestors who discovered Isla Tortuga centuries ago. Mermaids, lured by the island’s riches, have since then made it their home! Guided by the map, you sail towards the mythical island. The potion in the mysterious vial you found will allow you to resist the sirens’ melody for an hour. One hour to explore Isla Tortuga, put an end to the Call of the Stranded once and for all… and, perhaps, leave with booty beyond your wildest dreams.

  • 3-6
  • 75 mins
  • Medium


All ratings (11)

Mostly positive


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