Return To The Rock
Return To The Rock

Return To The Rock

    • Mixed (6 ratings)

Don't Get Locked In

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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It’s 12 months since you successfully escaped The Rock and things have taken a turn for the worst. You become good friends with Bill and Terry – former inmates. Unfortunately they haven’t learned their lesson and pretty soon revert to what they know – armed robbery. They enlist you to help them, apparently the smart one of the outfit. But one day you’re about to pull off a big heist when things go wrong, bad planning, you’re outnumbered and the cops are called. Once again you find yourself in the most secure prison in the US. Only this time it’s your fault. Following your previous escape, the prison security has been upgraded, but this does not deter you. Very quickly you and your friends start plotting another escape from The Rock. The Vault is combined with Return to The Rock in a different scenario to create our unique 2 hour game – Audacious. Therefore it is advisable to not book either room individually if you plan to play Audacious in the future.

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (6)
