Mixed (51 ratings)
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Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Discovery. As civilian engineers, you’ve been given a singular opportunity to inspect a piece of living history. More than 900 years ago, this Crossfield-class starship represented state of the art 23rd century Starfleet technology. Your mission is to travel aboard Discovery while it makes a routine patrol, evaluating each of its systems in preparation for the host of upgrades the ship requires to bring it up to modern 32nd century standards. Discovery has collided with a quantum filament, causing major hull damage. Multiple hull breaches have been detected, and many power systems are malfunctioning or are offline.The filaments’ quantum resonance has caused a polarity shift in the antimatter containment system, leading to a progressive degeneration in the containment field. If field strength falls below 15%, it will collapse, destroying the vessel and everyone aboard. We’re currently operating under isolation protocols, which means the main computer has closed emergency bulkheads across the ship and the turbolift control system has been disabled, leaving the bulk of the crew trapped and unable to begin repairs.Your turbolift was stopped near the Auxiliary Control section. If you can override its systems and free yourselves, that makes you our best option for helping Discovery and its crew avoid this disaster. Your first order of business is escaping your turbolift and finding a way to communicate with senior members of the crew. If you can re-establish communications, you may be able to work together to repair the antimatter containment field before the strength falls below 15% which is projected to be in precisely 60 minutes time. If you’re successful, you’ll have saved Discovery and the entire crew. By modern standards, this 23rd century starship belongs in a museum, but its technology is all you have to help you take command of this situation. Can you complete your mission and save the ship? Discovery’s crew is counting on you. Failure is not an option...
All ratings (51)
Mostly positive
Very positive
Customer service
Very positive
104 escape rooms
Room was alright. Not too big and wouldn’t do with more than 2-4 people. Puzzles were bland but made sense.
145 escape rooms
Tons of puzzles in this room where you have to cross check info from Mission Control to various consoles throughout the room. Delay time in tech when we completed something and when something popped open was longer than we thought so we got puzzle wrong. Seemed like busywork puzzles vs fun problem solving. Not a fan of this room.
16 escape rooms
Honestly, just awful. Broken tech. Uninspired puzzles. Does not make you feel immersed on a spaceship at all.
42 escape rooms
𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 �𓅝𓃄 �𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿 𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 𓂨𓅝𓃄 𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿
106 escape rooms
There were several puzzles in this room that did not work accurately. One puzzle needed a sequence of buttons pushed, which we did 5–6 times which we were then prompted by the GM with the answer, which was the same answer of the sequence we had put in. There was another puzzle that didn’t work correctly, which had the same result of us doing it multiple times then getting prompted by the GM with the same answer that we had already done. This room definitely needs to be updated and fixed.
There were two different puzzles that did not work and caused us extra time due to solving it, but the puzzles not working correctly, which pushed our time back.
Not scary
63 escape rooms
By far the most difficult escape room I’ve ever done and completed so far. Head was hurting and puzzles were very challenging, but it was great for a group of enthusiasts! If you’re looking for difficulty, come check this room out when you’re visiting Vegas!
52 escape rooms
This is easily one of my favorite rooms, not because I love Star Trek. The puzzles had enough difficulty for my brother and I to finish with about 30 seconds left. The staff also gave us extra time when a puzzle broke. They simply had us exit the room while they reset it.
362 escape rooms
This room was a big surprise in terms of set design. as compared to their other rooms, this one is a huge step up. If you like really using your brain in an effective manner, this room will be the test for you. We didn’t use any hints in the room but cut it very very close. If you attempt this room and are stuck on anything longer than 4-5 minutes, bite the bullet and take a hint or else you’ll fall very behind. The most challenging room i’ve completed to date. A real test if you’re looking to see where your escape room capabilities are at.i mean just look at the description. that will sum it up lol. a room for people who eat a bowl of nails for breakfast without any milk.
High tech
Not scary
Not at all
74 escape rooms
𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 �𓅝𓃄 �𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿 𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 𓂨𓅝𓃄 𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿
209 escape rooms
I actually really enjoyed this Escapology game and think it might be a step up for this company. The build of the set is really impressive and very technical with many screens and touch pads you will use as your input (it is a Star Trek theme after all). Luckily didn’t experience any technical difficulties so maybe they’ve sorted those out. It’s pretty hard as well, but some of that difficulty comes from the repetition of the puzzles and the fact that they all rely upon referencing and sometimes cross-referencing different charts located around the room. 8 seems to be the magic number in this room as it seems to be the number of times you will repeat a process for each puzzle and it gets a little tedious.
High tech
Not scary
Not at all