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New York City, Lower Manhattan… The authorities suspect that illegal activity is going on in one of the local bars. For a few months now, several police officers have been trying to infiltrate the bar in the hopes of catching the person believed to be in charge of the organization. Tonight is your chance. The latest hit jazz band will be performing and they are sure to draw a crowd—creating the perfect distraction! Hurry up before the suspect slips through your fingers yet again!
39 escape rooms
Not a big fan of the puzzles in this one- felt like there were a few things I wouldn’t have been able to put together or even would have thought of without a hint. And when the GM described how the final puzzle was supposed to play out I was like yeah, we were never gonna solve that 😂 Still, a silly and memorable room my friend and I had a lot of laughs in. Fun if you can enjoy it for the experience and don’t take it too seriously! Would be perfect for a night with the girlies 🍸 Would call this medium-hard, not expert as described.
Not at all
24 escape rooms
Une salle dont on m’a dit du bien. Des décors assez minimes (une habitude chez SqP) mais qui font le café. Un maître de jeu qui paraissait blasé de nous accueillir et un autre qui était presque dépressif au talkie. Pas très pro… Les énigmes sont très sympa et de belles transitions entre les salles les rendent encore mieux. Je recommande, pensez quand même que il y a du TREEEES explicite…
7 escape rooms
Première escape game faite a vie, et ça reste mon top 1 ou 2. Super le fun, malgré que la première chose n’a pas fonctionné et qu’il a du venir nous aider. On était 2, mais je recommence minimum 3 vu que c’est très grand pour couvrir plus rapidement les choses à faire
Not scary
La premier énigme ne fonctionnais pas bien , il a dû venir nous aider pour l’arranger
Not at all
283 escape rooms
A very 1.0 room with lots of combo locks and letter and directional locks. Doesn’t work well for English speakers because of most of the signs being in French. Also a broken lock. 18+ only as there are very explicit things in part of the room. Otherwise medium level difficulty, I wouldn’t say it’s expert as stated on the site.
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