Panic-free escape rooms: A safety guide for claustrophobia

Do escape rooms trigger claustrophobia? Understand what may drive discomfort, tips to alleviate panic, and how to find non-confining escape room options.

Panic-free escape rooms: A safety guide for claustrophobia
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Escape rooms offer a unique blend of narrative-driven challenges, where puzzles and riddles need to be solved within a set time frame, requiring a collaborative effort to win. Since the launch of escape rooms in Japan in 2007, they have taken off worldwide, with 44K escape rooms and experiences currently listed on Morty.
However, for individuals dealing with claustrophobia, the concept of not being able to exit a restricted space — even though they are not actually locked in — can be daunting. Plus, the anticipation of being in an enclosed space can lead to anxiety and discomfort for people who are claustrophobic, deterring them from a potentially fun and enriching experience.
By understanding the nuances of claustrophobia, recognizing the triggers, and implementing strategies to manage their anxiety, even those who are claustrophobic can enjoy these exhilarating experiences. It's about finding a balance that respects the boundaries of claustrophobic folks while still maintaining the adventurous spirit of escape rooms. Factors like room theme, room size, and exit mechanisms, can help individuals embrace the fun of escape rooms without anxiety.

What is claustrophobia?

Claustrophobia extends beyond a simple fear of tight spaces; it's recognized as an anxiety disorder that can lead to significant panic symptoms in situations where one feels confined. The condition is characterized not just by the size of the space but by the individual's perception of being trapped or having limited escape options. Symptoms can be caused by a wide range of triggers, including elevators, airplanes, subway trains, car washes, or even cars with automatic door locks.
Escape rooms are meant to be fun and build teamwork. They use puzzles and tasks to challenge players, however, these experiences can cause issues for people with claustrophobia. The idea of being "locked in" might scare them, even though players can leave the room any time.
The diversity in escape room themes and settings means that while some might feel more open and less confining, others could inadvertently provoke anxiety in individuals with claustrophobia. Recognizing and addressing the signs of claustrophobia can help manage its impact, ensuring that all participants can enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Are escape rooms claustrophobic? A closer look

Escape rooms might seem scary at first, especially for those who fear tight spaces. The experience simulates being "locked" in a room, trying to solve puzzles to get out. But that's not the whole story. Escape rooms are actually very diverse. They come in all sorts of themes, sizes, and puzzle types, which can make the feeling of being trapped less intense.
What's more, these rooms are designed with care. The goal is to make you feel involved and challenged, not stuck. So, escape rooms offer much more than just the feeling of being enclosed. They provide a complex and engaging experience that goes beyond anxiety.
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Why escape rooms can trigger claustrophobia

Escape rooms are engaging group activities that involve puzzle-solving to exit a themed room within a time limit. While they offer a fun test of teamwork and intellect, they can also trigger claustrophobia in some individuals due to their design and psychological impact. Recognizing these triggers can help adapt the experience to suit a broader audience, ensuring everyone enjoys the challenge without discomfort. Here, we briefly outline why escape rooms might be tough for those prone to claustrophobia.

Enclosed spaces

The design of some escape rooms intentionally incorporates small, confined areas to simulate a sense of entrapment, enhancing the challenge. This intentional design choice, though part of the thrill for some, can be a significant source of anxiety for individuals with claustrophobia.

Limited control

In escape room scenarios, the structured nature of the game might give participants a feeling that their choices are constrained. This lack of autonomy, especially in a locked room scenario, can significantly heighten anxiety levels for those already predisposed to claustrophobic feelings.

Group pressure

The team-based aspect of escape rooms means there's an inherent expectation to contribute to the solving of the puzzles. This expectation can create a pressure cooker environment for some, particularly if they are already dealing with the internal stress of being in a confined space.

The other side: why escape rooms may not cause claustrophobia

While escape rooms can be challenging for those with claustrophobia, it's important to recognize that not all escape room experiences are likely to trigger this fear. Many operators design their rooms with a variety of themes and layouts, some specifically crafted to feel more open and less confining. Additionally, features like panic buttons and engaging puzzles are in place to give participants control and distract them from the room's boundaries, aiming to provide an enjoyable and inclusive experience for everyone, including those who may worry about feeling trapped.

Theme and design variety

To cater to a wide audience, many escape rooms offer a variety of themes and room designs, some of which are intentionally more open to prevent triggering claustrophobic responses. These thoughtfully created spaces provide an inclusive environment, ensuring participants can enjoy the immersive experience without the fear of confinement.

Control mechanisms

Escape room operators are aware of the diverse needs of their participants, including those with claustrophobia. As such, they often incorporate mechanisms, such as panic buttons or easily accessible exits, that allow players to step out at any moment, thus providing a crucial sense of control over the situation.

Distraction and engagement

The puzzles and tasks within an escape room are designed to be engaging and absorbing, drawing participants' attention away from the physical environment. This focus on problem-solving can serve as an effective distraction for individuals who might otherwise be occupied with the room's enclosed nature, helping to alleviate feelings of discomfort.

Tips for managing claustrophobia in escape rooms

Facing claustrophobia in escape rooms can be a daunting challenge, but with the right strategies, it's possible to manage your fears and still enjoy the thrill of the game. From effective communication with your team to selecting the appropriate room, these tips are designed to help individuals with claustrophobia navigate and enjoy escape rooms more comfortably. Here's how to keep anxiety at bay and focus on the fun of solving puzzles with your team.


Make sure to inform your teammates and the escape room staff — especially your game master — about your claustrophobia before the game starts; their understanding and support can significantly ease your experience. When the people around you know about your condition, they are more likely to help you stay comfortable and panic-free throughout the game.

Choose your room wisely

Look for escape rooms that have larger areas or themes that don't heavily rely on confined spaces. This can mean the difference between feeling trapped and having enough room to breathe and move around comfortably. (The community comments in Morty are great for sussing out whether an escape room is right for you.)

Stay near the exit

Position yourself so you're always aware of the nearest exit. Just the knowledge that you can leave the room without any hassle if you start feeling boxed in can significantly reduce anxiety.

Focus on the puzzles

Engage fully with the task of solving puzzles and immersing yourself in the storyline. This mental engagement can shift your focus away from the room's physical dimensions and help mitigate feelings of being trapped.

Practice breathing techniques

When you sense panic creeping in, resort to deep, controlled breathing exercises. Slow and deep breaths can help regulate your heart rate and reduce anxiety, making it easier to navigate through moments of discomfort.
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Choosing the right escape room if you're claustrophobic

If you're claustrophobic but still intrigued by the challenge and teamwork of escape rooms, choosing the right room is key to ensuring a comfortable experience. It's important to consider room size and theme, available safety features, and insights from reviews and ratings. These factors can significantly impact your comfort level, allowing you to enjoy the thrill of the game without the stress of feeling confined. Here's how to navigate these considerations effectively.

Room size and theme

Seek out rooms with themes that tend to be set in larger, more open spaces. Spacious themes not only provide a sense of freedom but also reduce the likelihood of feeling confined, making the experience more comfortable for those with claustrophobia.

Safety features

Ensure the facility offers a panic button or a similar mechanism to easily exit the room. This feature is crucial for providing peace of mind, allowing you to focus on the fun and puzzles rather than worrying about being trapped.

Reviews and ratings

Look for feedback from other participants, especially those who mention claustrophobia. Reviews — like those in Morty — can shed light on how previous participants, particularly those with claustrophobia, felt about their experience, helping you make an informed decision.

Escape rooms should be fun, not a source of anxiety

When you understand claustrophobia, choose the right escape room, and use strategies to manage discomfort, you can enjoy these immersive puzzle-solving adventures worry-free. Remember, entertainment is deeply subjective, and what works for one may not for another. Find what makes you comfortable, and dive into the escape room world at your own pace.


Can I leave the escape room at any time?
Reputable escape rooms allow participants to exit any time for safety and comfort.
Are all escape rooms designed to be small and confined?
There's a wide variety of themes and room sizes. Many are quite spacious.
What should I do if I start feeling claustrophobic during the game?
Let your team know and use the room's safety features to take a break outside.

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