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Running a thriving escape room means keeping your rooms filled. Here’s how Morty can help!
1. Show availability for more clicks
Displaying your attraction's availability on Morty results in a 187% increase in clicks on average. This leads to more bookings. It's a simple yet powerful way to boost your visibility.
2. Drive more bookings
Morty's instant checkout process is designed to increase conversions by 35%. 💰
Morty bookings can be made in less than 10 seconds, resulting in less checkout dropoffs, and more sales.
3. Fill your off-peak hours
57% of Morty Partner instant bookings happen during off-peak times when demand is typically lower.
4. Focus on ratings
More ratings and a higher community score on Morty leads to more visibility and clicks. Encouraging your customers to leave reviews is a great way to do this.
5. Attract travelers
Morty users love to travel for unique experiences. In fact the average Morty partner venue receives 49% of bookings from traveling users.
Signing up for the Partner program is a great way to attract and convert these folks.
These data-driven approaches will help you maximize your success and ensure your escape room stands out in a competitive market.