When did escape rooms start? Story behind the global phenomenon

When did escape rooms start, and how did these pulse-pounding adventures spread? Discover their birth from early video games to popular real-world experiences.

When did escape rooms start? Story behind the global phenomenon
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Escape rooms, those pulse-pounding, team-based, problem-solving adventures that place participants in a themed room to find clues and solve puzzles to escape before time runs out, have become a global phenomenon.
But when did escape rooms start? Who thought of crafting immersive puzzles for teams to solve, and how did this idea spread from a niche hobby to a mainstream entertainment option? Let's unlock the door to the past and trace the origins and evolution of escape rooms.

Escape rooms origin: When did escape rooms start?

The concept of escape rooms can be traced back to both the "escape the room" point-and-click video games of the 90s and early 2000s like Myst, MOTAS, and  Noctropolis, as well as the popularity of Live Action Role Playing (LARP) games like Dagorhir and Amtgard.
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Who invented escape rooms?

Credit for the invention of escape rooms is often given to Takao Kato of Kyoto, Japan who sought to create a game that encouraged players to immerse themselves fully into the story and setting. In 2007, Kato’s publishing company, SCRAP, launched the first real-life escape game, bringing the concept of video game escape challenges into the physical world.
“Kato’s idea was to let people step into adventures they see in pop media all the time. Turning the mysteries and challenges portrayed in media into real-life experiences, rather than just watching from the sidelines.” – SCRAP

Where did escape rooms originate?

Originally from Japan, escape rooms quickly captured the imagination of people worldwide, eventually launching in the US in 2012. Japan's unique culture of puzzle-solving video games and interactive entertainment laid the groundwork for the modern escape room.

The first escape room and its legacy

When SCRAP introduced the first escape room in Japan, it was a much simpler affair than the intricate experiences we're familiar with today. Initially, participants found themselves in a straightforward setup: enclosed in a room, they were tasked with uncovering clues and solving puzzles to secure their escape. This basic concept proved to be a hit, laying the groundwork for the future of escape rooms. It wasn't long before the idea started gaining momentum, appealing to those with a knack for puzzles and a taste for adventure.
As the popularity of escape rooms grew, so did their complexity and the creativity behind them. Designers began to weave more elaborate narratives into the experiences, developing sophisticated puzzles that required a keen eye and a sharp mind to solve. Themes became more varied and immersive, transporting participants from pirate ships to haunted mansions, and even into futuristic dystopias. This evolution transformed escape rooms from simple puzzle rooms into rich, story-driven adventures that engage the senses and the intellect in equal measure.
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The global spread of escape rooms

From its origins in Japan, the escape room craze spread to China, Europe, and then the United States. Each region added its unique twist to the concept, incorporating local culture, technology, and storytelling elements, making each escape room experience distinct.
As escape rooms grew in popularity, they began to influence other forms of entertainment. Movies, TV shows, and yes, video games have drawn inspiration from the concept of escape rooms, creating a cycle of inspiration that shows no signs of slowing down.

The impact of escape rooms on modern gaming

The entertainment landscape is witnessing a fascinating turn of events where the success of physical escape rooms is circling back to influence their original muse: video games. This unique crossover sees today’s game developers weaving escape room-inspired elements into their creations. They’re not just focusing on the puzzles that have always been a staple of the genre but are also doubling down on storytelling and crafting immersive environments. These elements work together to present gamers with challenges that are fresh and engaging, adding a new layer of complexity to the gaming experience.
This evolution in video gaming highlights an era where the lines between physical and digital gaming experiences are blurring. Developers today are keen to create games that offer a rich narrative and interactive gameplay reminiscent of a live escape room adventure. By integrating puzzles that require critical thinking and problem-solving, these games draw players into a deeper, more engaging experience.
In a testament to how traditional forms of entertainment can inspire innovation in the digital realm, compelling story arcs in modern video games serve to pull players deeper into the game, making them more nuanced and immersive. This leads to games that are not only more engaging but also more rewarding for the player.

The future of escape rooms

As escape rooms evolve, they're embracing more sophisticated technology, not just to enhance the puzzles themselves but to create deeper, more immersive experiences. This includes merging with other forms of immersive entertainment, such as immersive theater and obstacle courses, to create new kinds of challenges that are both physical and mental. The result is an entertainment experience that's more engaging, offering participants not just a game, but a story they can step into and live out.
The ambition of escape room designers is growing, too. They're crafting bigger, more aspirational games that can accommodate larger groups and even feature storylines or characters from popular intellectual properties. This opens up a world where fans can live out scenarios from their favorite stories.
Moreover, the focus is shifting towards creating replayable escape rooms — games that offer enough variety and complexity that players can return and discover something new each time. This innovation ensures the longevity and appeal of escape rooms continue to rise, meeting the demands of an audience always looking for the next big thrill.
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Escape rooms have come a long way from their origins in early video games. What started as a simple idea has evolved into a global entertainment phenomenon, blending puzzles, storytelling, and technology to create immersive experiences. As we look to the future, it's clear that escape rooms will continue to innovate and inspire, proving that sometimes, escaping reality is the best way to enjoy it.


When did escape rooms become popular?
Escape rooms started gaining popularity in the late 2000s and early 2010s, first in Asia and then spreading to Europe and North America.
Where was the first escape room in the US?
The first escape room in the US opened in 2012, with several companies claiming to have introduced the concept to the American audience.
Who survived the first escape room?
The question of who "survived" the first escape room is a bit misleading, as escape rooms are designed to be challenging yet solvable experiences. The success rate varies from room to room, but early participants were indeed able to "escape," thanks to clever puzzle-solving.
How many escape rooms were there in 2014?
According to the Escape Room Directory website from October of 2014, there were 514 English-language registered escape rooms all over the world. This number has grown exponentially with 47,464 registered escapes and haunts registered on Morty today.

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