La Última Función [The Last Show]
La Última Función [The Last Show]

La Última Función [The Last Show]

    • Mixed (1 ratings)

The Rombo Code

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Throughout its history, the Gran Teatro del Liceo in Barcelona has had to be rebuilt over and over again. Built on an old convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians, legend has it that a text was found among the rubble of the first fire that said: "I am an owl and I go alone, if you pick it up again, I will burn it again." It is believed that to get rid of this prophecy, the ring worn by the mother superior of the convent must be found and saved. Our researchers believe that the key may lie in a small alternative theater that was part of the heritage of the original convent, and that it is believed that it could have been used as a rehearsal room in the first years of the Great Theater's life. But it can't be that easy. This theater faces its Last Function before being demolished by its new owners who pursued this property years ago for its strategic value as an access point to a new macro-parking in the center of Barcelona. Finding the ring, we will not only end the curse, but we will also be able to demonstrate that this theater is part of the original Gran Liceo. In this way, it would be protected by the Law for the Defense of Cultural Heritage. The judge has authorized the bulldozers to enter just 60 minutes after the last show ends - whatever happens, make sure you're out by then: these people aren't going to stop for anything or anyone.

  • 4-14
  • 60 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (1)
