Szabadítás A Varázsvilágból [Liberation From The Magical World]
Szabadítás A Varázsvilágból [Liberation From The Magical World]
Szabadítás A Varázsvilágból [Liberation From The Magical World]

Szabadítás A Varázsvilágból [Liberation From The Magical World]


  • Escape room
  • IRL

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/For children! His final number, Banya, is holding a little girl prisoner in the Wizarding World. Not even Árdénó, the wizard boy, can help. Need you! Have you ever been out walking with mum or dad and when you passed the hedge row, your fingers just touched the top of the bushes and the secret passage leading to the Wizarding World opened up? Mom and Dad stopped for a few moments to wonder where this kid is, where the children have gone, and you returned with a mischievous smile after spending a long time with your fairytale friends. My little girl always walks over to the Wizarding World, I also know her friends there. Árdénó, the wizard boy, for example, is a very special creature. It is not by chance that Zárszámu, the banya, wants to touch her. But since he hadn't managed to hit the little boy so far, he bit my little girl. He messaged me from the Wizarding World. I have to free my little girl somehow! But an adult cannot do this alone, it requires the skills of children. Can you help me?

  • 3-12
  • 90 mins