Twisted ChristmasTwisted ChristmasTwisted Christmas
Twisted Christmas
Twisted Christmas
Twisted Christmas

Twisted Christmas

Scream Hollow

  • Haunt
  • Haunted house

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Temporarily Closed - Each night Krampus arrives and makes his trek through Scream Hollow for some fo the darker Christmas traditions. With Christmas haunts based on the historical legends and lore of Krampus, live music, Coffin Cat Bar, Cafe, Bakery, Vendors, and more! Dare to visit the three Christmas attractions with Krampus, evil elves, rotten snowmen and so much more! For a fun traditional Christmas experience hit the hayride with Santa and Mrs. Claus through a half mile trek of Christmas lights and christmas stories. Grab Christmas gifts at Madame Tinker’s Magical Emporium or our museum gift shop! We will see you soon!