Runaway Train
Runaway Train
Runaway Train

Runaway Train

Exit Canada

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Struggling to cope with a dying industry, the Salida Railway Corporation, a mainly passenger locomotive company, decided to try something different to bring customers in. They recycled a number of retired engine and passenger cars, as well as abandoned tracks, and designed a series of short, amusement style rides. You and your team won their marketing raffle. The grand prize? You get to ride the maiden voyage of one of these train rides. After an exciting ceremony and a raucous sendoff, the ride starts smoothly, and the spectators fade into the distance. Soon though, things go awry. The train hits something, and jerks aggressively, before moving again, in a completely different direction. You realize pretty quickly that the short train is no longer on its intended course. The tracks outside your windows are overgrown and rusted. You’re headed into the unknown with no conductor or any way to control the locomotive. You look around frantically, only to find the door leading to the engine car is locked tight. The only door left is the one you entered, which has also been locked for safety during the ride. The train is moving too fast for you to consider breaking the windows and jumping. It looks like your only hope is to break into the engine car and try to manually shut off the train. Will you be able to work together to escape the runaway train? Or will you be stuck, riding this train, forever?

  • 2-4
  • 60 mins
  • Medium