Vita Nova
Vita Nova
Vita Nova

Vita Nova

FEAR Scream Park

  • Haunt
  • Maze

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Opening October 11 - Day 5,987 since the New World Order began. Omega Industries has initiated its quality of life programme, V I T A N O V A, restoring order to the Republic of England. Society will be reformed, it will be born anew! Extracted from the DNA of Specimen 004, the revolutionary V I T A N O V A treatment programme will erase the patient’s memories, leaving them in a state of euphoria. A state of compliance. The New World Order demands that the V I T A N O V A programme be adhered to by all citizens, yet it seems that some have defied these orders and stopped conforming. They have stopped taking their V I T A N O V A. All non-conformers will now be detected, and they will be ameliorated. They will comply with the New World. Long live the Republic of England! Happy is the country with no past.