Ward 42
Ward 42
Ward 42

Ward 42

    • Mostly positive (3 ratings)

Urban Escape

  • Escape room
  • IRL

Mark as done to rate

The team of players has been captured and imprisoned in a mobile holding facility (a train). They are just beginning to realize they are about to be taken to some government “black” site. To compound their troubles, whispers of medical experiments begin to reach them. Fortunately for the players, one guard is new to working with this “black ops” Mobile Prison Lab. Once he realized the kind of people he is working for he decides to help as best he can. The guard has arranged for a delay in departure. He was able to keep the train personnel from departing for the next 60 minutes. He hopes it will be enough time for the players to save themselves and escape. There is another problem…the players have already been exposed to a dangerous mutagen. It may have no effect on them or it could turn them into monsters. Will the players accept their doom or attempt to escape? Death or worse looms behind every decision.

  • 2-8
  • 60 mins
  • Hard


All ratings (3)

Mostly positive