103 escape rooms
My biggest complaint is about the terrible hint system. Every other problem stems from that. They label all the locks to match the hints, but when you don’t necessarily know which puzzle goes with which lock, you could potentially end up like us and ask for a hint for a puzzle we hadn’t done yet then end up having to get another hint for what we actually needed one for. It just tries so hard to be non-linear but in a way that just makes it confusing because it’s really designed to be linear. Also, the room was cool to look at but several parts of it were falling apart. Some puzzles were fun, though. It has the potential to be a good room if they updated it and changed the hint system/removed the labels.
I don’t prefer linear rooms, but if you’re going to make it linear, make it linear. They almost made it too obtuse to be linear but it was still linear? Worst of both worlds kind of situation.
It looked cool but was falling apart.
Sep 3, 2023 | Experienced Sep 3, 2023