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Permanently Closed - A matchup like no other... Choose your side, bring whoever you think will fit best with your team and race agaisnt the clock or your friends for ultimate bragging rights. A great room to host your next corporate function or big party. For special occasions or extra requests please contact Lost Locks directly before booking to see what else we can offer. Warning: Winners take all and the losers game gets shut down
120 escape rooms
A really unique, competitive experience set up in a team v team format allowing players to solve any of the 15/16 puzzles as fast as you can in any order. Although I didn't play against another team in the white room, I still had a great time solving the multitude of cool puzzles scattered throughout the room. The only downside was the maze puzzle which required upwards of 15-20 minutes to complete due to its insane difficulty and quickly became more of a burden than a fun challenge. Overall an awesome room, just needs a couple tweaks.
High tech
Not scary
Not at all
71 escape rooms
Liked this room, having it all in black (or white respectively) makes it stand out. Puzzles not really novel, some of them not really puzzles but more like games on a funfair or so. Still though, put together they give you some nice challenges to work on and help with other rooms you might be doing and encountering similar challenges ;) Also like how you can work on all puzzles simultaneously more or less, but having them connecting in some way would also be nice! Also really liked how you could see how many puzzles you and the other team have already solved and the also upped the pressure in beating them! One downside: Our friends beat us to it and were then let inside our side of the room before we had a chance to finish the last two puzzles. And from there it was spoilers with the last two. Would have liked to figure them out myself.
63 escape rooms
Amazing and super fun to play, would recommend playing with more people but is fun anyways
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