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Solve the mysteries and magic that lie within to prove that you are worthy to live "The Legacy" Have you ever wondered where the adventures and journeys you experience at Brainy Actz come from? These are chapters in the life of one of the world’s greatest explorers, your late Great Uncle. This man has fought off pirates on the open sea, ventured through jungles and been part of multiple inside jobs retrieving lost artifacts and stolen cars. He has amassed fame and fortune that few ever know. He is now giving you the chance of a lifetime. Solve the mysteries and magic that lie within this experience, and his inheritance is yours. Can you prove you are worthy to live “The Legacy”
98 escape rooms
Definitely too expensive, first. Second, WAY too many red herrings and things falling off walls. I felt like I would break stuff in there. I cannot recommend this room. Too few puzzles. And the rage room next door was SOO loud that we couldn’t hear some of the instructions that didn’t get repeated (automated). Kinda want to request a refund.
28 escape rooms
This was flat-out bad. Clues didn’t flow all that well, and were mostly old and hacky. There’s a “rage room” next door that’s super loud and drowned out noises and hints. A few of the mechanical elements didn’t open when they should have.
Boring, uninspired
Props were half red herrings, couldn’t tell what was supposed to be removable or not.
Staff was pretty unresponsive
Clues didn’t follow a logical progression.
Not scary
Not at all
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