Our group did not like this game. It was incredibly frustrating because of the mesh style that’s not a divide and conquer but rather a get a little bit of info and spend a while messing with it before giving up and moving on to something else only to realize you only had part of it and then do that about 5 more times. Also some of the main clues did not help you escape but just filled in pieces of the story which is cool I guess but also kind of feels like a red herring.
I guess it’s the style of room which I’ve heard referred to as a “Nonsense” or “Observation” room.
Cool room
Customer service
Particularly interesting or different
Hard for us because of the style of room. Apparently it is easy for people who just go in and think “looks like that goes there.” Not linear at all and some serious red herrings.
Game tech
High tech
Plenty of special effects mixed with some traditional elements