Very positive (144 ratings)
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In a parallel universe, Vikings conquered the world and every civilization converted to the cult of Thor, Freya and Odin, but some are specifically devoted to Loki, the god of mischief. One day, Loki’s mischief got out of hand and the other gods had to lock him up. Legends are told that only Thor’s hammer could be strong enough to break his bounds and free him. Knowing that Fenrir and Jörmungand, (the wolf-god and the serpent-god) are planning to free Loki, Thor hid his hammer in a remote village. Despite Thor’s efforts, Fenrir and Jörmungand know the location of the hammer and they are on their way to the village. They have even figured out how to perform a ritual that will allow them to lift the hammer and free Loki. You have 60 minutes before Fenrir and Jörmungand arrive. You need to find the hammer and complete the ritual that will allow you to lift it. You will then have to choose the fate of humanity; will you give the hammer back to Thor so that he can assure peace in the universe, or will you hand it over to Fenrir and Jörmungand to free Loki?
All ratings (144)
Very positive
Very positive
Customer service
Mostly positive
19 escape rooms
Même si le thème nous enchantais plus ou moin , on a eu bcp de plaisir , de belles énigmes qu’on avais pas vu encore et visuellement très solide ! Bel amélioration pour se qui es du système d’indice chez sos aventure que nous avons bien apprécié aussi ! Somme toutes une bel expérience 😉
63 escape rooms
Globalement déçue de notre expérience. Ce jeu a été racheté et la version originale était beaucoup plus intéressante. L’histoire a été raccourcie et est moins cohérente.
Décor correct, sans plus
Tir à l’arc
Ce jeu a été racheté d’un endroit qui a fermé ses portes, la version originale était plus intéressante. Les énigmes ont été modifiées dans la version SOS aventures ce qui les rendues malheureusement moins amusantes!
Not scary
Embouts de flèche brisés Mécanisme pression des boucliers fonctionnait très mal
Not at all
Accessible en partie
50 escape rooms
Pro: Beautiful room, some skills required which is fun Cons: - Couple of bugs - False indication from game master. Overall: Disappointed, with over 30 escape done which we escaped almost everytime, this one rank close to bottom of my list
60 escape rooms
This room does not know how to stop, it just continues to provide great action and atmosphere. You can feel yourself in a Viking settlement. Makes great use of some physical skill challenges but the rest is fully on logical puzzles. Few rooms offer a choice at the end and I love that they did that here.
Great, there were a few parts where it seemed like we had to make a assumption of what the next step was but everything else was logical.
From the grass, to the fog and the sounds this room does does not stop giving off the Viking vibes. By far one of my most favorite rooms.
Fantastic, Staff wants you to succeed and have a fun time.
Not scary
Not at all
119 escape rooms
Ayant joué et animé des groupes dans le jeu original, j'ai malheureusement été déçue de l'adaptation faite par SOS aventures. Pas un mauvais jeu en soi! Je pense qu'il peut être apprécié! Certaines énigmes ont par contre dues être modifiées, rendant leur réalisation un peu moins amusante. La fin a particulièrement été bâclée, absolument rien à voir avec l'expérience originale.
40 escape rooms
Tout fan de viking sera servi. Une ambiance très bien réussit et de bonne énigmes. Je recommande
68 escape rooms
Ouf, quoi dire. Le flow était très incohérent. En plus, y’a un des puzzle qu’on a réussi, mais c’était tellement subtil le déclenchement du mécanisme qu’il a fallu demander au GM ce qu’on ne faisait de pas correct vu qu’on était sûrs avoir résolu l’énigme. Le GM nous a répond qu’on l’avait résolu et nous a indiqué ou aller voir. La discussion se passe avec un iPod avec le GM donc pas très rapide dans les réponses. Encore une fois, une expérience chez SOS Aventure avec un GM qui manquait de présence et ne suivait pas le déroulement. La logique des énigmes est très moyenne. On s’est fait expliquer à la fin que SOS Aventure a acheté le jeu à une compagnie qui a fait faillite. On se demande pas pourquoi. C’était leur façon de justifier notre « pas de plaisir » lors de la partie.
Bonne accueil, mais les GM chez SOS Aventure manquent d’attention lors des parties.
Not scary
140 escape rooms
I really enjoyed this game. For me, the ambience and the props were amazing, the puzzles made sense and were fun. I think I never played a game that had so much use of the objects and they were also corresponding to the theme. This is a scenario that is supposed to be played with three players or more, we were two and finished with around ten minutes remaining. The Viking theme was really well exploited, was really worth the play in my opinion.
737 escape rooms
We really didn't enjoy this room. Great set that deserves way better. I understand that they bought this from another local place that shut down so I assume Mor Drakkar and Wicca, which they're more known for, are better. Unfortunately this experience made us doubt the location and prioritize other places first and we never made it back to try those. The flow was terrible, many of the puzzles were a stretch. The main complaint was a puzzle with a bunch of different ways to interpret it. We spent a while trying a bunch of solutions, then we uncovered that we were missing a piece, which didn't help that problem so we went on trying the different solutions again. It took way too long. We also had a prop that didn't work the first time I messed with it and would have revealed something that would have saved us a lot of time. Another prop, I'm pretty sure there was no reason or explanation of why we were supposed to do what we did with it, and only did it because of a hint. Worst hint system we've seen after 500 rooms. The sets of these rooms aren't cheap and it would not be difficult to put a microphone in there. It's extra bad if you don't speak french.
97 escape rooms
Really fun game with nice puzzles. The Vic king theme was well exploited
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