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Die kleine Viola, ca. 8 Jahre alt ist vor einigen Monaten einfach aus dem Haus verschwunden. Seit sie verschwunden ist, geschehen nachts unheimliche Dinge im Zimmer von Viola und laut den Eltern spukt es seitdem hier. Doch wer glaubt denn heute noch an Geister? Falls ihr zu den Zweiflern gehört, wird sich das in diesem Raum ändern. Escaperoom Viola´s Ghost – Violas Geist Dein Ziel: BistDuBereit? Könnt ihr all euren Mut zusammennehmen und dem Spuk endlich ein Ende setzen? Aber Vorsicht, die übersinnliche Schrecken der Geister dürft ihr nicht unterschätzen aber auch alle Geister sind nicht immer böse. 60 Minuten habt ihr Zeit, um die Geister zu vertreiben, bring die kleine Viola zurück.
All ratings (4)
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Mostly positive
45 escape rooms
"Viola's Ghost" at EscapeWorld Stuttgart Fellbach offers an enthralling and eerie escape room experience. The atmospheric design of the haunted house setting is immersive, with detailed decor and chilling sound effects that create a truly spooky ambiance. The puzzles are well-crafted and seamlessly integrated into the ghostly theme, requiring players to use their wits and teamwork to unravel the mysteries of the haunted house. The storyline is intriguing, filled with supernatural elements and unexpected twists that keep participants engaged. The game masters are supportive and provide helpful hints at just the right moments. Overall, "Viola's Ghost" is a captivating and memorable escape room adventure, perfect for those who enjoy a good scare and a challenging puzzle. Highly recommended!
48 escape rooms
Overall, I would rate the room as "okay." It doesn't reinvent the wheel with its puzzles but is solid. There were a few logical issues with one of the puzzles at the end, but nothing too severe. The highlight of the room is definitely the cutscenes. Though I won't say more about them ;) . The game master was okay, although the hints were a bit too direct for my taste. Overall, 6/10.
If i could i would make it Medium. Flow was there but not consistent
Not at all
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